Gerrit Wolsink meeting Peter Willems

Meeting with Mr. Roger De Coster 

Sten Lundin (S) still active

Victory wreath in Husqvarna Museum Sweden

Interview former Champion Kees van der Ven

Interview former Champion Gerrit Wolsink

Reunion Motocross of Aces 20th & 21th of september 2014 

Lecture at the Local History Club St. Anthonis

Local History Club St. Anthonis active.

Where does the Swede Rolf Tibblin live nowadays?

On Sunday 21th of August 1983, the Swede Hakan Carlqvist was honored as the new World Champion in the toughest and highest discipline of Motocross.

Nice reactions

The name Rolf.

logo reünie motocross der azenName of the foundation:

Stichting Reünie Motocross der Azen



Marcel Hermans



Koos van Tienen



Miranda van den Broek - van Loosbroek


Advisory Body

Leo Brans

Gerrit Does

William Reefs

Gonnie Hermans

Peter van Hassel

Jan Goossens

Jan Laurense

Ties Franssen

Peter Rietman



Van Gelder Music & Media




Stichting Classic Motocross NL
Name: Marcel Hermans
Phone: +31621657908
COC Eindhoven 66993512

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